Bipartite Graph Brute-force Searcher ==================================== Sqaod implements 3 bipartite graph brute-force searcher classes. * ``_ Python-based reference implementation of bipartite graph brute-force search. * `sqaod.cpu.BipartiteGraphBFSearcher`_ Parallelized CPU implementation by using OpenMP. * `sqaod.cuda.BipartiteGraphBFSearcher`_ Parallelized and accelearted by using NVIDIA GPU, CUDA. Factory function ---------------- Every solver class has its own factory function in the same package. For example, is instantiated by ``_. Method calling sequence ----------------------- Below is a psudo-code to run bipartite graph brute-force searcher. .. code-block:: python import sqaod as sq # Assumption # N0, N1 : problem size. # dtype : np.float32. Numerical precision is assumed to be np.float32. # 1. Preparing QUBO matrix, W. # QUBO energy is defined as E = b0 * x0.T + b1 * x1.T + x1 * W * x0.T b0 = ... # vector(length = N0) b1 = ... # vector(length = N1) W = ... # matrix, shape == (N1, N0) # 2. instantiate brute-force searcher searcher =, sq.minimize, dtype) # Alternatively, you're able to set QUBO as shown below. # # searcher = # searcher.set_qubo(b0, b1, W, sq.minimize) # 3. (optional) # Set preferences. You're able to select tile size. # Preferences are given as **kwargs. # # searcher.set_preference(tile_size_0 = 1024, tile_size_1 = 1024) # 4. prepare to run search # Before calling prepare(), QUBO and m must be given. searcher.prepare() # 5. run search # If a problem is big, search needs long time, proportional to 2^N. # search_range() method will make stepwise search, # which limits execution time of one call. while searcher.search_range() : # do your job, such as breaking this loop. pass # Alternatively, you can use one line for search, # # # run whole search. # 6. get solution # x is a list of tuples. Each tuple contains pair of bit arrays (x0, x1). # E is a vector of QUBO energy. x = searcher.get_x() E = searcher.get_E() classes and functions --------------------- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. autofunction:: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. autoclass:: :members: sqaod.cpu.bipartite_graph_bf_searcher ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. autofunction:: sqaod.cpu.bipartite_graph_bf_searcher sqaod.cpu.BipartiteGraphBFSearcher ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. autoclass:: sqaod.cpu.BipartiteGraphBFSearcher :members: sqaod.cuda.bipartite_graph_bf_searcher ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. autofunction:: sqaod.cuda.bipartite_graph_bf_searcher sqaod.cuda.BipartiteGraphBFSearcher ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. autoclass:: sqaod.cuda.BipartiteGraphBFSearcher :members: