Source code for

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
import copy
import numpy as np
from types import MethodType
import sqaod
from sqaod import algorithm as algo
from sqaod.common import checkers
from . import formulas

[docs]class BipartiteGraphAnnealer : """ python implementation of bipartite graph annealer. This class is a reference implementation of bipartite graph annealers. All algorithms are written in python. """ def __init__(self, b0, b1, W, optimize, prefdict) : # n_trotters if not W is None : self.set_qubo(b0, b1, W, optimize) self._select_algorithm(algo.coloring) self.set_preferences(prefdict) def _vars(self) : return self._h0, self._h1, self._J, self._c, self._q0, self._q1
[docs] def seed(self, seed) : """ set a seed value for random number generators. Args: seed (int or long) : seed value Note: annealer uses global random number genrator, so seed value is ignored. For annealers in other packages, given seed value is used as documented. """ # this annealer use global random number genertor. # nothing to do here. pass
[docs] def get_problem_size(self) : """ get problem size. Problem size is defined as a number of bits of QUBO. Returns: tuple containing problem size, (N0, N1). """ return self._N0, self._N1;
[docs] def set_qubo(self, b0, b1, W, optimize = sqaod.minimize) : """ set QUBO. Args: numpy.ndarray b0, b1, W : QUBO. optimize : optimize direction, `sqaod.maximize, sqaod.minimize <preference.html#sqaod-maximize-sqaod-minimize>`_. """ checkers.bipartite_graph.qubo(b0, b1, W) self._N0 = W.shape[1] self._N1 = W.shape[0] self._m = (self._N0 + self._N1) // 4 self._optimize = optimize h0, h1, J, c = formulas.bipartite_graph_calculate_hamiltonian(b0, b1, W) self._h0, self._h1 = optimize.sign(h0), optimize.sign(h1) self._J, self._c = optimize.sign(J), optimize.sign(c)
[docs] def set_hamiltonian(self, h0, h1,J, c) : """ set Hamiltonian. Args: numpy.ndarray : h0(vector), h1(vector), J(matrix) floating point number : c Shapes for h0, h1, J must be (N0), (N1), (N1, N0) where N0 and N1 are number of bits. """ checkers.bipartite_graph.hJc(h0, h1, J, c) self._N0 = J.shape[1] self._N1 = J.shape[0] self._m = (self._N0 + self._N1) // 4 self._optimize = sqaod.minimize self._h0, self._h1, self._J, self._c = h0, h1, J, c
def _select_algorithm(self, algoname) : if algoname == algo.coloring : self.anneal_one_step = \ MethodType(BipartiteGraphAnnealer.anneal_one_step_coloring, self) elif algoname == algo.sa_naive : self.anneal_one_step = \ MethodType(BipartiteGraphAnnealer.anneal_one_step_sa_naive, self) elif algoname == algo.sa_default : self.anneal_one_step = \ MethodType(BipartiteGraphAnnealer.anneal_one_step_sa_naive, self) elif algoname == algo.sa_coloring : self.anneal_one_step = \ MethodType(BipartiteGraphAnnealer.anneal_one_step_sa_coloring, self) else : # algoname == algo.naive : self.anneal_one_step = \ MethodType(BipartiteGraphAnnealer.anneal_one_step_naive, self) def _get_algorithm(self) : if self.anneal_one_step.__func__ == BipartiteGraphAnnealer.anneal_one_step_naive : return algo.naive; elif self.anneal_one_step.__func__ == BipartiteGraphAnnealer.anneal_one_step_sa_naive : return algo.sa_naive; elif self.anneal_one_step.__func__ == BipartiteGraphAnnealer.anneal_one_step_sa_coloring : return algo.sa_coloring; return algo.coloring
[docs] def set_preferences(self, prefdict = None, **prefs) : """ set solver preferences. Args: prefdict(dict) : preference dictionary. prefs(dict) : preference dictionary as \*\*kwargs. References: `preference <preference.html>`_ """ if not prefdict is None : self._set_prefdict(prefdict) self._set_prefdict(prefs)
def _set_prefdict(self, prefdict) : v = prefdict.get('n_trotters') if v is not None : self._m = v; v = prefdict.get('algorithm') if v is not None : self._select_algorithm(v)
[docs] def get_preferences(self) : """ get solver preferences. Returns: dict: preference dictionary. References: `preference <preference.html>`_ """ prefs = { } if hasattr(self, '_m') : prefs['n_trotters'] = self._m prefs['algorithm'] = self._get_algorithm() return prefs
[docs] def get_optimize_dir(self) : """ get optimize direction Returns: optimize direction, `sqaod.maximize, sqaod.minimize <preference.html#sqaod-maximize-sqaod-minimize>`_. """ return self._optimize
[docs] def get_E(self) : """ get QUBO energy. Returns: array of floating point number : QUBO energy. Calculates and returns QUBO energy for all trotters. len(E) is m. """ h0, h1, J, c, q0, q1 = self._vars() E = np.empty((self._m), J.dtype) for idx in range(self._m) : # FIXME: 1d output for batch calculation E[idx] = formulas.bipartite_graph_calculate_E_from_spin(h0, h1, J, c, q0[idx], q1[idx]) return self._optimize.sign(E)
[docs] def get_x(self) : """ get bits. Returns: list of tuples. Each tuple contains 2 numpy.int8 arrays of x0 and x1 x0 and x1 are arrays of bits, {0, 1}. """ x_pairs = [] for idx in range(self._m) : x0 = sqaod.bit_from_spin(self._q0[idx]) x1 = sqaod.bit_from_spin(self._q1[idx]) x_pairs.append((x0, x1)) return x_pairs
def set_q(self, qpair) : self.prepare() for idx in range(0, self._m) : self._q0[idx] = qpair[0] self._q1[idx] = qpair[1] def set_qset(self, qpair) : qpairs = qpair self._m = len(qpairs); self.prepare() for idx in range(0, self._m) : self._q0[idx] = qpairs[idx][0] self._q1[idx] = qpairs[idx][1] # Ising model / spin
[docs] def get_hamiltonian(self) : """ get hamiltonian. Returns: tuple of Hamiltonian variables h0(vector), h1(vector), J(matrix), c(scalar) """ return self._h0, self._h1, self._J, self._c
[docs] def get_q(self) : """ get spins. Returns: tuple for (q0, q1). The q0 and q1 are numpy.int8 arrays whose lengths are N0 and N1 respectively. """ qlist = [] for qpair in zip(self._q0, self._q1) : qlist.append(qpair) return copy.deepcopy(qlist)
[docs] def randomize_spin(self) : """ randomize spin. """ sqaod.randomize_spin(self._q0) sqaod.randomize_spin(self._q1)
[docs] def calculate_E(self) : """ calculate QUBO energy. This method calculates QUBO energy, and caches it. This method can be empty if a class does not cache qubo energy. Note: A call to this method can be asynchronous. """ pass
[docs] def prepare(self) : """ preparation of internal resources. Note: prepare() should be called prior to run annealing loop. """ self._q0 = np.empty((self._m, self._N0), dtype=np.int8) self._q1 = np.empty((self._m, self._N1), dtype=np.int8) if self._m == 1 : cur_algo = self._get_algorithm() if cur_algo != algo.sa_naive and cur_algo != algo.sa_coloring : self._select_algorithm(algo.sa_naive)
[docs] def make_solution(self) : """ make bit arrays(x) and calculate QUBO energy. This method calculates QUBO energy, and prepare solution as a bit array, and caches them. This method can be empty if a class does not cache solution. Note: A call to this method can be asynchronous. """ pass
def get_system_E(self, G, beta) : # average energy E = np.mean(self.get_E()) m = self._m algo = self._get_algorithm() if sqaod.algorithm.is_sqa(algo) : q0, q1 = self._q0, self._q1 spinDotSum = 0. for im in range(m) : q00 = np.asarray(q0[im], np.float64) q01 = np.asarray(q0[(im + 1) % m], np.float64) spinDotSum += q10 = np.asarray(q1[im], np.float64) q11 = np.asarray(q1[(im + 1) % m], np.float64) spinDotSum += E += - 1. / (2 * beta) * np.log(np.tanh(G * beta / m)) * spinDotSum return E
[docs] def anneal_one_step(self, G, beta) : """ Run annealing one step. Args: G (floating point number) : G in SQA, kT in SA. beta (floating point number) : inverse temperature. SA algorithms ignore this parameter. """ # will be dynamically replaced. pass
[docs] def anneal_one_step_naive(self, G, beta) : """ ( only) sqaod.algorithm.naive version of SQA """ h0, h1, J, c, q0, q1 = self._vars() N0, N1 = self.get_problem_size() m = self._m N = N0 + N1 twoDivM = 2. / m tempCoef = np.log(np.tanh(G * beta / m)) / beta for loop in range(N * m) : iq = np.random.randint(N) im = np.random.randint(m) mNeibour0 = (im + m - 1) % m mNeibour1 = (im + 1) % m if (iq < N0) : q = q0[im][iq] dE = twoDivM * q * (h0[iq] +[iq], q1[im])) dE -= q * (q0[mNeibour0][iq] + q0[mNeibour1][iq]) * tempCoef thresh = 1 if dE < 0 else np.exp(-dE * beta) if thresh > np.random.rand(): q0[im][iq] = -q else : iq -= N0 q = q1[im][iq] dE = twoDivM * q * (h1[iq] +[iq], q0[im])) dE -= q * (q1[mNeibour0][iq] + q1[mNeibour1][iq]) * tempCoef thresh = 1 if dE < 0 else np.exp(-dE * beta) if thresh > np.random.rand(): q1[im][iq] = -q
def _anneal_half_step_coloring(self, N, qAnneal, h, J, qFixed, G, beta, m) : """ ( only) try to flip spins in a colored plane for SQA. """ dEmat = np.matmul(J, qFixed.T) twoDivM = 2. / m tempCoef = np.log(np.tanh(G * beta / m)) / beta for im in range(0, m, 2) : mNeibour0 = (im + m - 1) % m mNeibour1 = (im + 1) % m for iq in range(0, N) : q = qAnneal[im][iq] dE = twoDivM * q * (h[iq] + dEmat[iq, im]) dE -= q * (qAnneal[mNeibour0][iq] + qAnneal[mNeibour1][iq]) * tempCoef thresh = 1 if dE < 0 else np.exp(-dE * beta) if thresh > np.random.rand(): qAnneal[im][iq] = -q for im in range(1, m, 2) : mNeibour0 = (im + m - 1) % m mNeibour1 = (im + 1) % m for iq in range(0, N) : q = qAnneal[im][iq] dE = twoDivM * q * (h[iq] + dEmat[iq, im]) dE -= q * (qAnneal[mNeibour0][iq] + qAnneal[mNeibour1][iq]) * tempCoef thresh = 1 if dE < 0 else np.exp(-dE * beta) if thresh > np.random.rand(): qAnneal[im][iq] = -q
[docs] def anneal_one_step_coloring(self, G, beta) : """ ( only) try to flip spins in a colored plane. """ h0, h1, J, c, q0, q1 = self._vars() N0, N1 = self.get_problem_size() m = self._m self._anneal_half_step_coloring(N1, q1, h1, J, q0, G, beta, m) self._anneal_half_step_coloring(N0, q0, h0, J.T, q1, G, beta, m)
# simulated annealing
[docs] def anneal_one_step_sa_naive(self, kT, _) : """ ( only) sqaod.algorithm.sa_naive version of SA """ h0, h1, J, c, q0, q1 = self._vars() N0, N1 = self.get_problem_size() m = self._m N = N0 + N1 invKT = 1. / kT for im in range(m) : q0m, q1m = q0[im],q1[im] for loop in range(N) : iq = np.random.randint(N) if (iq < N0) : q = q0m[iq] dE = 2. * q * (h0[iq] +[iq], q1m)) thresh = 1 if dE < 0 else np.exp(-dE * invKT) if thresh > np.random.rand(): q0m[iq] = -q else : iq -= N0 q = q1m[iq] dE = 2. * q * (h1[iq] +[iq], q0m)) thresh = 1 if dE < 0 else np.exp(-dE * invKT) if thresh > np.random.rand(): q1m[iq] = -q
def _anneal_half_step_sa_coloring(self, N, qAnneal, h, J, qFixed, invKT, m) : """ ( only) try to flip spins in a colored plane for SA. """ dEmat = np.matmul(J, qFixed.T) for im in range(m) : qAnnealm = qAnneal[im] for iq in range(0, N) : q = qAnnealm[iq] dE = 2. * q * (h[iq] + dEmat[iq, im]) thresh = 1 if dE < 0 else np.exp(-dE * invKT) if thresh > np.random.rand(): qAnnealm[iq] = -q
[docs] def anneal_one_step_sa_coloring(self, kT, _) : """ ( only) sqaod.algorithm.sa_coloring version of SA """ h0, h1, J, c, q0, q1 = self._vars() N0, N1 = self.get_problem_size() m = self._m invKT = 1. / kT self._anneal_half_step_sa_coloring(N1, q1, h1, J, q0, invKT, m) self._anneal_half_step_sa_coloring(N0, q0, h0, J.T, q1, invKT, m)
[docs]def bipartite_graph_annealer(b0 = None, b1 = None, W = None, \ optimize = sqaod.minimize, **prefs) : """ factory function for Args: numpy.ndarray b0, b1, W : QUBO optimize : specify optimize direction, `sqaod.maximize or sqaod.minimize <preference.html#sqaod-maximize-sqaod-minimize>`_. prefs : `preference <preference.html>`_ as \*\*kwargs Returns: annealer instance """ return BipartiteGraphAnnealer(b0, b1, W, optimize, prefs)
if __name__ == '__main__' : N0 = 12 N1 = 10 m = 10 np.random.seed(0) W = np.random.random((N1, N0)) - 0.5 b0 = np.random.random((N0)) - 0.5 b1 = np.random.random((N1)) - 0.5 an = bipartite_graph_annealer(b0, b1, W, sqaod.minimize, n_trotters=m, algorithm=algo.coloring) Ginit = 5 Gfin = 0.01 beta = 1. / 0.02 tau = 0.99 n_repeat = 10 for loop in range(0, n_repeat) : an.prepare() an.randomize_spin() G = Ginit while Gfin < G : an.anneal_one_step(G, beta) G = G * tau an.make_solution() E = an.get_E() x = an.get_x() print(E) #print(x)